Week 17 of the Challenge

Time is the word for this week, and this something I am always lacking!!!

Week 16

and this week we used Hot Glue

Week 15 of the challenge

its all about Jewelry this week!

Week 14 of the Where Paper and Fabric Collide Challenge

Week 14 and our word was bird!

I gelli printed my parrots eggs!

It’s Week 13

Gesso – our word and one of my favorite mediums.  If I was ever stranded on a desert island – this is the medium I would want.  I can make paint by mixing it with leaves or berries for color.  I can paint on leaves or tree bark.  I can make art – as long as I have my gesso!

Week 12 of Where Paper and Fabric Collide

Flower was the word this week.

Time for week 11

The word this week was Country so my project was about England and Christine’s was about France.

Week 10 and still making art

In honor of International Womens day, I made this Strong Women in my life

Week 9 of our Challenge

Shell was our word and this was a project I taught on a cruise ship in the Caribbean


It is Week 8 – Where Paper and Fabric Collide

Coffee Cup Sleeve was our word for this week.  Yep our words are all over the place to make it a fun challenge  There are some words on our list that I have a “what was I thinking” moment